The wires are installed in 4
Step 1: Laying the electrical conduits in the
Step 2: Laying the electrical conduits in the
Step 3: Installation of Switch Boards Back
Step 4: Installation of Distribution Boards
Let us look at the step-by-step
installation procedure of a concealed conduit electrical wiring system.
Step-1: Laying of Electrical
Conduits in Slab
The slab conduits for house wiring should be 2 mm thick
and 25 mm in size for PVC conduits. Lay the slab conduits between the top and
bottom reinforcement.
Use only deep junction boxes in
slabs. Properly bind the PVC conduits using the binding wire.
It would be ideal to follow the colour
coding for conduits for electrical wires and data such as LAN and telephone
wire. Use grey PVC pipes for data, black PVC pipes for electrical wires and PVC
solvent for joining the accessories
Check the wall drops carefully
and determine the concrete thickness.
Check the conducting as per the
service drawings and see where the switchboards are located and how many points
need to be installed at each location
Take special precautions while
concreting the slab
Replace all the broken pipes
Ensure that all the joints are
Once the slab and beam are
de-shuttered, pass the GI wiring immediately. Document any choke up or
alternate route for future references
Provide all the necessary sleeve
in beams, columns prior to slab casting as per electrical &
Provide the pull boxes at
suitable locations
Don’t cluster the pull and
junction boxes at one place. Arrange them so that they can’t be seen easily
from heavy movement areas as per the electrical drawings
Step-2: Laying of Electrical
Conduits in Wall
Carry out the concealed conduit
work after the construction of masonry walls but before the plastering work
Once the curing of brickwork is
completed, carry out the chasing work. Ideally, maintain a gap of 7 days
between the two activities
Do the wall chasing with wall
cutters only as this would avoid damage to the walls
Fix the electrical conduits with
the approved clips to ensure proper routing and wiring
Once the conduits, boxes and
accessories are fixed, fill the chiselled surface with cement mortar and chick
mesh wrapped around the conduits
Start the wall conducting
activity with level marking on the wall, keeping the height above FFL (Finished
floor level) in mind
Limit the width of chasing as per
the number of conduits
The depth of chasing should be at
least 10 mm from the masonry wall to have the conduit recess
Make sure that all the horizontal
conduit runs are straight at the box level. The light point conduit should run
straight vertically to the switch box. Make sure no wall conduit is taken
Don’t use any elbows or bends.
Use a spring to bend if you want to change the direction of the pipe.
Don’t run power conduits near any
communication line
Run the conduits above the false
ceiling with proper support. Don’t rest them on the false ceiling in any case.
Seal the vertical runs with open ends at the top if you have false ceiling work
Step-3: Installation of Switch
Boards Back Boxes
Fix the concealed switchboard
properly in level based on the architect’s design, for example, distance and
height from the finished floor level (FFL)
Ensure that the gap between the
concealed switchboards is uniform. Maintain the same uniformity across all the
The switchboards must be readymade
modular type metal boxes of the approved make. Fix the concealed box 3 mm below
the plastered surface.
Finish the box fixing before the
plastering work while doing the wall conduiting. Fill the boxes with thermocol
while the plastering work is being done.
Step-4: Installation of
Distribution Boards
Conceal the distribution board
before the plasterwork
Fix the DB box in a proper line
and level the recess provided in the brickwork
Ready the box as per the design
such as fixing the number of conduits entering the distribution box
Place the PVC pipes from the
given entry holes only
Make sure that you go through all
these steps in an orderly manner for the successful installation of the
concealed electrical wiring system. Our experts at D&F Liquidators, Inc.
can help you with the successful installation of concealed electric wiring at
your home. Do contact us to know more details about the same.