Thursday, 29 October 2020

आर्मीनिया और अजरबैजान के मध्य विवाद और भारत

आर्मेनिया और अज़रबैजान के बीच सीमाओं को लेकर विवाद (Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict) चल रहा है, जो हिंसक हो चुका है. लेकिन यह विवाद भारत और पाकिस्तान (India-Pakistan Conflict) के बीच कश्मीर विवाद (Kashmir Issue) या भारत और चीन के बीच सीमा विवाद (India-China Border Dispute) से काफी अलग स्थिति है.
  भारत के आर्मेनिया के साथ रिश्ते? 
सुरक्षा और सहयोग आधारित संगठन (OSCE) के हिसाब से शांति बहाली की हिमायत करने वाले भारत के रिश्ते आर्मेनिया के साथ खासे दिलचस्प रहे हैं. इसी साल, मार्च में भारत ने आर्मेनिया को हथियार सप्लाई करने के लिए रूस और पोलैंड को मात देकर 4 करोड़ डॉलर की डील की. इससे पहले भी आर्मेनिया के साथ भारत के रिश्ते आपसी सहयोग के रह चुके हैं.
1991 में, जब सोवियत संघ टूटा तब आर्मेनिया को समर्थन दिया और वहां दूतावास की सेवाओं का विस्तार मॉस्को से किया. विदेश मंत्रालय के मुताबिक तबसे अब तक आर्मेनिया के राष्ट्रपति तीन बार (1995, 2003 और 2017) भारत यात्रा पर आ चुके हैं और विदेश मंत्री भी (2000, 2006 और 2010). आर्मेनिया के बाद अज़रबैजान के साथ भारत के रिश्ते क्या बताते हैं?
अज़रबैजान के साथ रिश्तों का अर्थ?
संबंध दोस्ताना ही रहे हैं, लेकिन इनमें ताज़गी नहीं है. भारत के कला प्रतिनिधि रबींद्रनाथ टैगोर, विचार प्रतिनिधि और पूर्व राष्ट्रपति डॉ. राधाकृष्णन और पहले प्रधानमंत्री जवाहरलाल नेहरू ने अज़रबैजान की यात्राएं की थीं, लेकिन यह तब की बात है जब यह मुल्क सोवियत समाजवादी गणतंत्र हुआ करता था. अज़रबैजान जबसे सोवियत संघ से अलग हुआ है, तबसे यानी करीब 20 सालों से कोई उच्च स्तरीय मेलजोल नहीं रहा है
दोनों देशों से जुड़ी अंतर्राष्ट्रीय राजनीति?
दूसरी स्थिति यह है कि अज़रबैजान पहले कश्मीर मुद्दे पर तुर्की की तरह ही पाकिस्तान के सुर में सुर मिला चुका है. भारत के अपने संबंध खास तरोताज़ा नहीं है और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय राजनीति में अज़रबैजान को पाकिस्तान की तरफ रुख कर लेना, ये तमाम इशारे हैं कि भारत आर्मेनिया के साथ चल रहे अज़रबैजान के विवाद में किसका पक्ष ले सकता है. नहीं रहा है

आर्मीनिया और अज़रबैजान, नागोर्नो-काराबाख को लेकर क्यों लड़ रहे हैं

दशकों पहले से जारी इस विवाद को लेकर एक बार फिर से छिड़ी लड़ाई में सोमवार को दर्जनों लोगों के मारे जाने की ख़बर है.

इस विवाद के केंद्र में नागोर्नो-काराबाख का पहाड़ी इलाक़ा है जिसे अज़रबैजान अपना कहता है, हालांकि 1994 में ख़त्म हुई लड़ाई के बाद से इस इलाक़े पर आर्मीनिया का कब्ज़ा है.

1980 के दशक से अंत से 1990 के दशक तक चले युद्ध के दौरान 30 हज़ार से अधिक लोगों को मार डाल गया और 10 लाख से अधिक लोग विस्थापित हुए थे.

उस दौरान अलगावादी ताक़तों ने नागोर्नो-काराबाख के कुछ इलाक़ों पर कब्ज़ा जमा लिया, हालांकि 1994 में युद्धविराम के बाद भी यहां गतिरोध जारी है
पूर्व सोवियत संघ का हिस्सा रह चुके आर्मीनिया और अज़रबैजान नागोर्नो-काराबाख के इलाक़े को लेकर 1980 के दशक में और 1990 के दशक के शुरूआती दौर में संघर्ष कर चुके हैं.

दोनों ने युद्धविराम की घोषणा भी की लेकिन सही मायनों में शांति समझौते पर दोनों कभी सहमत नहीं हो पाए.

दक्षिणपूर्वी यूरोप में पड़ने वाली कॉकेशस के इलाक़े की पहाड़ियां रणनीतिक तौर पर बेहद अहम मानी जाती हैं. सदियों से इलाक़े की मुसलमान और ईसाई ताकतें इन पर अपना प्रभुत्व स्थापित करना चाहती रही हैं.

1920 के दशक में जब सोवियत संघ बना तो अभी के ये दोनों देश - आर्मीनिया और अज़रबैज़ान - उसका हिस्सा बन गए. ये सोवियत गणतंत्र कहलाते थे.

नागोर्नो-काराबाख की अधिकतर आबादी आर्मीनियाई है लेकिन सोवियत अधिकारियों ने उसे अज़रबैजान के हाथों सौंप दिया.

इसके बाद दशकों तक नागोर्नो-काराबाख के लोगों ने कई बार ये इलाक़ा आर्मीनिया को सौंपने की अपील की.

लेकिन असल विवाद 1980 के दशक में शुरू हुआ जब सोवियत संघ का विघटन शुरू हुआ और नागोर्नो-काराबाख की संसद ने आधिकारिक तौर पर खुद को आर्मीनिया का हिस्सा बनाने के लिए वोट किया

ये खबरे इंटरनेट से जुटाई गयी है, जिसका विश्लेषण करने का प्रयास मेरे द्वारा किया गया हैं, कई पाकिस्तान के लोगो के द्वारा इस खबर को कश्मीर के हल के तौर पर भी देखा जा रहा है जिसमे वो कहते हुए दिखते है कि उन्हें भी भारत से इसी तरह लडाई करके कश्मीर को ले लेना चाहिए, परन्तु वो ये भूल रहे है कि सन् 1948,1971,1964, और कारगिल 1999 मे उन्हे भारत से मुह की खानी पड़ी थी।
आगे जारी रहेगा... 

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Unit Weight of Material used in Construction

*Unit Weight of Materials Used at Construction Site:*

1- Water= 1000 Kg/ m3
2- Bricks (broken)= 1420 Kg/ m3
3- Bricks(common)= 1600 Kg/ m3
4- Cement(ordinary)= 1440 Kg/ m3
5- Cement (rapid hardening)= 1250 Kg/ m3
6-Cement Mortar= 2000 Kg/ m3
7- Cement Concrete (Plain)= 2400 Kg/ m3
8- Cement Concrete (Reinforced)= 2500 Kg/ m3
9- Glass= 2500 Kg/ m3
10- Lime Concrete= 1900 Kg/ m3
11- Cement Plaster= 2000 Kg/ m3
12- Lime Plaster= 1700 Kg/ m3
13 Stones (Ballast)= 1720 Kg/ m3
14- Stones (Aggregates)= 1750 Kg/ m3
15- Stones (Basalt)= 2850 Kg/ m3
16- Stones (Granite)= 2450 Kg/ m3
17- Stones (Marble)= 2650 Kg/ m3
18- Timber (Oak, Sal)= 510 Kg/ m3
19- Timber (Mango)= 650 Kg/ m3
20- Timber (Teak)= 625 Kg/ m3
21- Coal 600= Kg/ m3
22- Plastics= 1250 Kg/ m3
23- Oils= 800 Kg/ m3
24- Ashes= 650 Kg/ m3
25- Clinker= 750 Kg/ m3
26- Rubber= 1300 Kg/ m3
27- Slag= 1500 Kg/ m3
28- Clay Soil= 1900 Kg/ m3
29- Sand (dry)= 1540 to 1600 Kg/ m3
30- Sand (wet)= 11760 to 2000 Kg/ m3
31- Steel= 7850 Kg/ m3
32- Chalk= 2100 Kg/ m3
33- Bitumen= 1040 Kg/ m3

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

About Plumbing Traps

Traps –

A Trap is a device which is used to prevent sewer gases from entering the building.

Common gases that are produced in a sewage system.
 2- Hydrogen sulphide
 3- Nitrogen Sulphide
 4- Carbon monoxide

Depending upon the shape are classified as:

1-P Trap- This trap is used with Indian water closet, is used for outlet through the wall.

2-Q Trap-This trap is used in toilet under water closet.

3-S Trap - Similar to P Trap and is used for fixing water closet in toilets (through the floor)   
4-Nahni/Floor Trap- This trap is provided in the floor to collect waste water from washbasin,  shower, sink, bathroom.

5-Gully trap- These traps are constructed outside the building to carry waste water discharge from wash basin, sinks, bathrooms etc and connected to the nearest building drain/sewer so that foul gases from sewer do not come to the house.

6-Intercepting trap- This is provided at the last main hole.

7-Bottle Trap- This Trap is used below washbasin and sinks to prevent entry of foul gases.

Monday, 10 February 2020

Parasite: पढ़‍िए उस फिल्‍म की पूरी कहानी जिसने ऑस्‍कर में धमाल मचा दिया

पैरासाइट' पहली एशियन फिल्म है जिसे ऑस्‍कर में बेस्‍ट फ‍िल्‍म अवॉर्ड से नवाजा गया है। इस फिल्‍म का प्रीमियर 2019 के कान फिल्‍म फेस्‍ट‍िवल में भी हुआ था। Parasite को साउथ कोरिया के सिनेमाई इतिहास में सबसे बेहतरीन फिल्‍मों में गिना जा रहा है। इस फिल्‍म ने साउथ कोरिया में 167.6 मिलियन डॉलर का कारोबार किया है।

साउथ कोरियन फिल्‍म 'पैरासाइट' ने धमाल मचा दिया है। इस फिल्‍म को 'ऑस्‍कर 2020' में 'बेस्‍ट फिल्‍म' साहित 4 अवॉर्ड्स मिले हैं। Bong Joon-ho के डायरेक्‍शन में बनी इस फिल्‍म को 'बेस्ट ओरिजनल स्क्रीनप्ले', 'बेस्ट डायरेक्टर' और 'बेस्ट इंटरनेशनल फीचर' कैटिगरी में भी ऑस्कर मिला है। 'पैरासाइट' पहली एशियन फिल्म है जिसे इस प्रतिष्ठित अवॉर्ड से नवाजा गया है। इस फिल्‍म का प्रीमियर 2019 के कान फिल्‍म फेस्‍ट‍िवल में भी हुआ था। Parasite को साउथ कोरिया के सिनेमाई इतिहास में सबसे बेहतरीन फिल्‍मों में गिना जा रहा है। इस फिल्‍म ने साउथ कोरिया में 167.6 मिलियन डॉलर का कारोबार किया है।
अब तक विदेशी फिल्‍में नहीं रहींं ज्‍यादा सफल
पैरासाइट' में Song Kang-ho, Lee Sun-kyun, Cho Yeo-jeong, Choi Woo-shik, और Park So-dam मुख्‍य भूमिका निभा रहे हैं। दिलचस्‍प बात यह है कि इससे पहले विदेशी भाषा वाली फिल्में ऑस्कर में बहुत ज्यादा सफल नहीं रही हैं। इससे पहले 'डिवोर्स इटालियन स्टाइल', 'अ मैन एंड ए वुमन' और 'टॉक टू हर' जैसी फिल्में भी ऑस्कर अपने नाम कर चुकी हैं।

गरीबी, अमीरी और अध‍िक की चाहत वाली कहानी
पैरासाइट' की कहानी कोरिया में रहने वाले एक गरीब और एक उच्च वर्गीय परिवार की है। पैरासाइट एक ब्लैक कॉमेडी है, जिसमें सोशल स्टेट्स के साथ ही अध‍िक की चाहत और विलासपूर्ण जीवन के बीच के अंतर को खूबसूरती से दिखाया गया है। पढ़‍िए फिल्‍म की पूरी कहानी-
किम परिवार एक छोटे से सेमी-बेसमेंट अपार्टमेंट में रहता है। परिवार में पिता Ki-taek हैं। मां Chung-sook, बेटी Ki-jeong और बेटा Ki-woo. परिवार के सभी चार लोग टेम्‍पररी जॉब्‍स करते हैं। आमदनी कम है। एक दिन डिनर करते वक्‍त उनके घर Min-hyuk आता हैं। वह की-वू का अच्‍छा दोस्‍त है। Min-hyuk विदेश पढ़ने जाने की तैयारी कर रहा है। डिनर के बाद की-वू और मिन ड्रिंक के लिए बाहर जाते हैं। मिन यहां की-वू से कहता है कि उसे एक पड़ोस के अमीर पार्क फैमिली के यहां नौकरी करनी चाहिए। उन्‍हें बेटी को पढ़ाने के लिए ट्यूटर की जरूरत है।
मिन कहता है कि वह यूनिवर्सिटी के किसी और दोस्‍त पर भरोसा नहीं कर सकता और इसलिए यह जिम्‍मेदारी की-वू को सौंपना चाहता है। पार्क फैमिली अपनी बेटी Da-hye के लिए किसी यूनिवर्सिटी स्‍टूडेंट पर ही भरोसा करेगी। कहानी में दिलचस्‍प मोड़ आता है और किम परिवार के सभी चार सदस्‍य धीरे-धीरे पार्क फैमिली में नौकरी के लिए जुगाड़ निकालने लगते हैं। ये चारों खुद को हाइली क्‍वालिफाइड बताते हैं, जो कि झूठ है। की-वू ट्यूटर बन जाता है। वह Da-hye से रोमांस भी करने लगता है।
की-वू की बहन Ki-jeong खुद को आर्ट थेरेपिस्‍ट बताकर नौकरी पा लेती है। वह पार्क फैमिली के बेटे Da-song की थेरेपिस्‍ट बन जाती है, जो थोड़ा अजीब और अस्‍थ‍िर है। Ki-jeong मिस्‍टर पार्क की कार की पिछली सीट में अपना अंडरवि‍यर रख देती है। Ki-jeong पार्क से यह कहकर ड्राइवर को निकलवा देती है कि वह कार की पिछली सीट पर किसी लड़की के साथ शरीरिक संबंध बना रहा था। की-वू के पिता Ki-taek घर में ड्राइवर बनकर आ जाते हैं। मां Chung-sook हाउसकीपर के तौर पर पार्क फैमिली को जॉइन करती है। इस तरह पूरा किम परिवार, मिस्‍टर पार्क के यहां नौकरी करने लगता है।
इस बीच पार्क फैमिली एक कैम्‍प‍िंग ट्र‍िप प्‍लान करती है और छुट्टियों पर चली जाती है। किम परिवार अब लग्‍जरी सुविधाओं से सजे बड़े से घर में अकेला है। पार्क फैमिली के जाते ही घर की पुरानी हाउसकीपर Moon-gwang सामने आ जाती है। वह खुलासा करती है कि घर में एक छिपा हुआ रास्‍ता है, जो घर के नीचे बने एक बंकर में पहुंचता जाता है। मून किम के परिवार को बताती है कि वह और उसका पति 4 साल तक उस बेसमेंट वाले घर में छ‍िपकर रहे हैं, क्‍योंकि कर्जदार उन्‍हें परेशान कर रहे थे
इस बीच मून को किम परिवार की सच्‍चाई का पता चलता है। वह धमकी देती है कि पार्क फैमिली को वह सारी सच्‍चाई बता देगी कि चारों का आपस में रिश्‍ता है। मून शर्त रखती है कि यदि किम परिवार उसके रहस्‍य का खुलासा नहीं करते हैं तो वह चुप रहेगी। दोनों परिवारों के बीच झगड़ा होने लगता है
इस बीच मौसम खराब होने की वजह से किम परिवार जल्‍द ही छुट्टियों से लौट आता है। लेकिन इस बीच मून और उसके पति की किम परिवार से लड़ाई हो रही है। किम परिवार के चारों सदस्‍य दोनों पति-पत्‍नी को घायल कर देते हैं और बांधकर बेसमेंट में बंद कर आते हैं। मिस्‍टर पार्क और उनकी फैमिली घर लौटती है। Chung-sook खाना पकाती है और डिनर सर्व करती है। इस दौरान वह बताते हैं कि उनके बेटे Da-song ने कुछ साल पहले एक भूत देखा था, जिसके बाद से वह अजीब बर्ताव करने लगा है।। 
शहर में आंधी और बाढ़ आती है। पूरा घर पानी से भर जाता है। पार्क घर की हालत के लिए सबको फटकार लगाते हैं। स्‍थ‍िति नियंत्रण में आने के बाद मिस्‍टर पार्क अपने बेटे के जन्‍मदिन पर पार्टी की घोषणा करते हैं। किम परिवार के चारों लोग भी पार्टी में मौजूद हैं। इस दौरान की-वू घर के नीचे बने बंकर में जाता है। लेकिन देखता है कि मून की मौत हो चुकी है। मून का पति Geun-sae की-वू पर हमला करता है और वहां से भाग निकलता है।
Geun-sae अपनी पत्‍नी की मौत का बदला लेना चाहता है और रसाई में रखे चाकू से Ki-jeong के सीने में सब के सामने खंजर घोंप देता है। अफरा-तफरी मच जाती है। इस माहौल में Ki-taek भी मिस्‍टर पार्क से गुस्‍सा है। वह लगातार श‍िकायतों से परेशान है और मिस्‍टर पार्क का खून कर देता है।
अब कुछ हफ्तों बाद की कहानी दिखाई जाती है। की-वू अब ठीक है। वह मून के पति के हमले की वजह से कोमा में चला गया था। की-वू और उसकी मां पर फ्रॉड का आरोप लगा है। जबकि उसकी बहन Ki-jeong घायल होने और चोट लगने की वजह से मर गई है। पिता Ki-taek पर मिस्‍टर पार्क के खून का इल्‍जाम है और वह फरार है।
मिस्‍टर पार्क का घर एक जर्मन परिवार को बेच दिया गया है। की-वू को उसके फरार पिता का संदेश मिलता है। Ki-taek ने मेसेज में लिखा है कि वह अभी भी उसी बंकर में छ‍िपकर रह रहा है। की-वू अपने पिता को चिट्ठी लिखता है कि एक दिन वह खूब पैसे कमाएगा और यह आलीशान बंगला खरीदेगा। वह वादा करता है कि एक दिन परिवार को मिलाकर रहेगा।

Thursday, 6 February 2020

Electrical Wall Conduiting.

The wires are installed in 4 steps.
Step 1: Laying the electrical conduits in the slab
Step 2: Laying the electrical conduits in the wall
Step 3: Installation of Switch Boards Back Boxes
Step 4: Installation of Distribution Boards

Let us look at the step-by-step installation procedure of a concealed conduit electrical wiring system.
Step-1: Laying of Electrical Conduits in Slab
The slab conduits for house wiring should be 2 mm thick and 25 mm in size for PVC conduits. Lay the slab conduits between the top and bottom reinforcement.
Use only deep junction boxes in slabs. Properly bind the PVC conduits using the binding wire.
It would be ideal to follow the colour coding for conduits for electrical wires and data such as LAN and telephone wire. Use grey PVC pipes for data, black PVC pipes for electrical wires and PVC solvent for joining the accessories
Check the wall drops carefully and determine the concrete thickness.
Check the conducting as per the service drawings and see where the switchboards are located and how many points need to be installed at each location
Take special precautions while concreting the slab
Replace all the broken pipes
Ensure that all the joints are watertight
Once the slab and beam are de-shuttered, pass the GI wiring immediately. Document any choke up or alternate route for future references
Provide all the necessary sleeve in beams, columns prior to slab casting as per electrical & air-conditioning
Provide the pull boxes at suitable locations
Don’t cluster the pull and junction boxes at one place. Arrange them so that they can’t be seen easily from heavy movement areas as per the electrical drawings

Step-2: Laying of Electrical Conduits in Wall

Carry out the concealed conduit work after the construction of masonry walls but before the plastering work starts
Once the curing of brickwork is completed, carry out the chasing work. Ideally, maintain a gap of 7 days between the two activities
Do the wall chasing with wall cutters only as this would avoid damage to the walls
Fix the electrical conduits with the approved clips to ensure proper routing and wiring
Once the conduits, boxes and accessories are fixed, fill the chiselled surface with cement mortar and chick mesh wrapped around the conduits
Start the wall conducting activity with level marking on the wall, keeping the height above FFL (Finished floor level) in mind
Limit the width of chasing as per the number of conduits
The depth of chasing should be at least 10 mm from the masonry wall to have the conduit recess
Make sure that all the horizontal conduit runs are straight at the box level. The light point conduit should run straight vertically to the switch box. Make sure no wall conduit is taken haphazardly
Don’t use any elbows or bends. Use a spring to bend if you want to change the direction of the pipe.
Don’t run power conduits near any communication line
Run the conduits above the false ceiling with proper support. Don’t rest them on the false ceiling in any case. Seal the vertical runs with open ends at the top if you have false ceiling work

Step-3: Installation of Switch Boards Back Boxes

Fix the concealed switchboard properly in level based on the architect’s design, for example, distance and height from the finished floor level (FFL)
Ensure that the gap between the concealed switchboards is uniform. Maintain the same uniformity across all the installations.
The switchboards must be readymade modular type metal boxes of the approved make. Fix the concealed box 3 mm below the plastered surface.
Finish the box fixing before the plastering work while doing the wall conduiting. Fill the boxes with thermocol while the plastering work is being done.

Step-4: Installation of Distribution Boards

Conceal the distribution board before the plasterwork
Fix the DB box in a proper line and level the recess provided in the brickwork
Ready the box as per the design such as fixing the number of conduits entering the distribution box
Place the PVC pipes from the given entry holes only
Make sure that you go through all these steps in an orderly manner for the successful installation of the concealed electrical wiring system. Our experts at D&F Liquidators, Inc. can help you with the successful installation of concealed electric wiring at your home. Do contact us to know more details about the same.


 An Air Handling Unit (AHU) 
is used to re-condition and circulate air as part of a heating, ventilating and air-conditioning system.
 An air handler, or air handling unit (often abbreviated to AHU), is a device used to regulate and circulate air as part of a heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system. ... Sometimes AHUs discharge (supply) and admit (return) air directly to and from the space served without ductwork.
A packaged rooftop unit, or RTU, is a type of HVAC system that contains all the components needed to provide conditioned air in one concise unit. Packaged rooftop units are commonly found in light and large commercial applications. They are very popular with retail and industrial properties.
 An AHU capacity of an air conditioning system is expressed in BTU's or Tons. 1 Ton = 12,000 BTU's/hours of cooling capacity. As far as my knowledge, an AHU capacity in a cooling coil system can be identified only by decoding the air conditioner number.
 A chiller plant is a centralized system that cools the air for a building or for a collection of buildings and provides the air-conditioning portion of HVAC systems. According to the federal government's Energy Star website, over 35 percent of buildings larger than 100,000 square feet contain chiller plants.
Unit of airflow employed in air-conditioning. A typical air conditioner, for example, produces about 400 CFM for each ton of its cooling capacity. One CFM equals about 28.31 litters per minute.

 Cubic feet per min- CFM
 The airflow is measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM). 350 to 400 CFM per ton of cooling is required for proper air conditioning system operation. For example, if you are checking a 3-ton system, the air flow required is between 1050 and 1200 CFM. Usually, chillers used to carry R-22 gas in the refrigerant circuit.

 There are three different types of chillers:(1) air, (2) water, and (3) evaporative condensed chiller. There are four subcategories in each of the above categories for industrial chillers: (1) reciprocating, (2) centrifugal, (3) screw driven (4) and absorption chillers.

 How many CFM do I need for 1000 square feet?
Heat and energy recovery ventilators

Total area of home (square feet)             Continuous ventilation rate
1,000 square feet                                                       50 CFM
2,000 square feet                                                       100 CFM
3,000 square feet                                                        150 CFM

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Important Interview Tips to Remember

Here are some important interview tips you should know before appearing for an interview in your dream company.
1) Insights about the company
The more you know, the better it is. Get insights about the company you are scheduled to have an interview at. Get insights about their previous projects, achievements, etc. This shall pave your way for a confident interview & also give you an edge over the rest of the candidates.
2) Be professional, look professional
One of the most long-lasting impression is the first impression. Indeed half the battle is won when you look professional along with well-versed skillset. While appearing for an interview, it’s highly recommended to look clean, sharp & professionally dressed. This not only brightens your chances to get selected but also leaves a lasting impression on the interviewer.
3) In-depth knowledge about your field
Corporate interviews have become quite competitive & apart from basic HR questions, these days many interviewers tend to go technical. Many questions related to the field of expertise are asked & relevantly precise answers are expected from the candidate. Unless & until you don’t acquire in-depth knowledge about your field, it’s quite unlikely that you shall get through your interview.
4) Know what shall you bring to the firm
It’s important & one of the most frequently asked questions during an interview. You should know your strengths & how they shall fit well within the framework of the company. What are the things you shall bring in which can strengthen the core values of the company, should be a must know. This not only makes you look well aware of your strengths but also provides an insight into the value you bring in to the company.
5) Be Confident
Confidence in any interview is the key. Lack of confidence can prove disastrous even if you know everything related to your field. Make sure your confidence level is high while you appear for your interview, practice before appearing. A confident candidate is always a preference as he/she showcases traits of being a leader.
6) Don’t be vague
Usually, interviewers create an opinion about the candidate within minutes of starting the interview. A simple question is expected to have a precise answer rather than vague, irrelevant answers. While you answer questions in an interview, make sure your answers are precise & to the point. Don’t give vague answers. This shall jeopardize your chances of being shortlisted.
The above-mentioned interview tips broadly defines the parameters which can help in cracking that all-important interview. However, every interviewer is different, hence sometimes you need to be prompt enough to answer any unexpected question which might come your way during an interview.
Interviews can prove to be tricky unless you don’t approach them the right way. Make sure your preparations are up to the mark & you don’t treat any of your interviews lightly. After all one interview can give you the job you were waiting for & the same interview can pull you miles away from it.

Things to Remember for Happy life

Don’t hesitate first of all
Strong introduction with yourself once each time when you feel low.
Fixed goal
Full clearance with yourself
Don’t fear
Don’t worried more
Trying to tackle wrongs ones
Don’t repeat your mistakes’
Be strong with yourself
Except positive but don’t expected too much
⇒⇒⇒Ready for failure max. time
Believe in process of learning
Give time to yourself
Age does not decide the time of success
Whatever the time & age, just started as early as possible without delay
Have to satisfy yourself
Trying to be fit & healthy
Do whatever makes you happy
Write & Read at least 15 min/Day
Talking with old one gives you idea about how time will affect you
Learning is the key to success
Don’t copy
Capacity is not fixed anyway, you can grow the limits of your capacity
Routine is important / Routine does not means the clock timing
Love yourself
Try to do whatever you want to do/if not possible as career option, then do for your mental satisfaction
Mental satisfaction is the key which you will realize at the end of your life that you miss the things what was most important for you/A work that you made for but you completely missed

Money is important but you cant buy everything what you need .Time/Relation/friends/family is what you need max. time in your whole phase of life ⇦

Saturday, 25 January 2020


Piping shall be be screwed type upto 50mm diameter, Welding of joints will be
allowed for pipes of above 50mm dia. The entire piping shall be pressure tested by hydrostatic method upto a pressure of
1.5 times the working pressure. The piping shall be slowly charged with water so
that all the air is expelled from the piping by providing a 25mm inlet with a stop
cock. The piping shall be allowed to stand full of water for a period of 2 hours and
then the piping shall be put under pressure by means of manually operated test
pump or by a power driven test pump. The pressure gauges used for testing shall
be accurate and shall preferably the calibrated before the testing shall be rectified
to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. The system may be tested in
sections/parts as the work of erection of piping proceeds. The piping shall with
stand 1.5 times the working pressure for at least 2 hours.
1.23 Operating Sequence for the Fire Fighting System.
1.23.1 The operating pressure in the mains is to be maintained at 6.0 kg/cm2.
1.23.2 The jockey pup shall start automatically the moment pressure drops to 5.5 kg/cm2
because any leakage or minor draw-off from the system and stop when the
pressure reaches 5.5 kg/cm2 again.
1.23.3 In case, after the start of Jockey pump, the pressure still keeps on falling, the main
fire pump shall start at 5.0 kg/cm2 by triggering of the pressure switch. Jockey
pump shall stop when main pump starts.
1.23.4 In the event of electrical or mechanical failure of main fire pump (hydrant) to start,
the diesel engine driven pump shall cut in when the pressure in the mains fall down
to 4.5 kg/cm2. The main electric pump shall then be locked out.
1.23.5 In the event of failure of wet rise system, three will be further drop in pressure and
when the pressure reaches to 4.0 kg /cm2 fire booster pump near overhead tank
will start automatically .
1.23.6 If within a preset period the standby pump fails to start or fails to develop adequate
pressure, the control system shall shut down the standby pump and lock it out and
given an audiovisual indication to that effect at the control panel.
1.23.7 Jockey pump shall be shut down automatically when the fire pump electric or
diesel, is operating. Necessary integration or pipe work and controls shall be
provided for the purpose. A timer may be employed where necessary to distinguish
between slow fall of pressure due to system leaks and sudden fall of pressure due
to fire duty by opening of valves and thus prevent parallel start up of both
pressurization and fire pumps.
1.23.8 The control panel shall status selection for each of the pumps for :automatic” as
well as “manual” operation.
1.23.9 Pumps when under ‘manual” status shall be operated manually through relevant
push buttons.
1.23.10 The fire pumps once started shall not be stopped automatically.
1.23.11 The fire pumps shall be locked out for operation both for “manual” and “automatic”
operations, once the low water controls operates and furnish an audio and visual
alarm on the panel the audio alarm can be silenced by accepting the alarm. The
visual alarm shall be individual for each equipment. It shall be flashing type and on
acceptance remain steady. A reset button shall be provided for each pump for
returning the pump for fire duty.
1.23.12 Over load or under voltage/mo volt trip device for electric fire pump shall not be
provided in the starter. LED type indication lamps to indicate the availability of
power shall be provided.
1.23.13 Once tripped the electric fire pump shall remain locked out for operation
irrespective of the positive of its operational status selection switch. Look out
indication shall be available on the panel.
1.23.14 Rerun to normal operational availability shall be feasible only by manual re-set of
locked out units by operation of appropriate push buttons.
1.23.15 When fire pumps are brought into operation an audible tone from turbine type
alarm operated by water flow in the mains shall be provided in indicate the
healthiness of the system. The healthy running alarm shall not be silenced till the
fire pump is shut down, but the tone may be mellowed by the operation, if required.
1.23.16 Alarm for failure and lock out of any pump shall distinct from “healthy” alarm.
Failure alarms shall be loud and can be silenced on acceptance.
1.23.17 Repeat indication of various audio and visual indications on a slave remote panel
in fire control room in terminal building shall be available. The slave remote panel
shall have indication lamps to show the status of :
a) Power healthy in fire pump room
b) Jockey pump ‘ON’
c) Main pump “ON”
d) Fire booster pump “ON”
The slave Remote panel shall also have a hooter, which shall sound in case, any
pump is “ON”. The slave Remote panel shall have a provision to reset the hooter
with the help of a push button.
1.24 Testing.
1.24.1 Testing on Completion of Installation.
The entire system shall be tested after completion of installation as per the
operating sequence specified.
Standard and Codes.
1. IS-1648-1961 Code of Practice for fire safety of building (general)
firefighting equipment and maintenance.
2. IS-3844-1966 Code of practice for installation of internal fire
hydrant in multi-storied building.
3. IS-2217-1963 Recommendation for providing first aid and fire
fighting arrangement in public buildings.
4. IS-2190-971 Code of practice for selection,
Installation and maintenance of portable first fire
5 IS-3589 Electrically Welded Steel pipes (Medium class)
6. IS-1239 Mild steel tubes, Tubular and other wrought steel
fittings (Medium class)
7. IS-780 C.I. Double flanges sluice valve.
8. IS-778 Gun Metal Valve.
9. IS-909-1965 External fire hydrant (underground)
10. IS-5290-1969 Internal Landing Valve.
11. IS-884-1969 First and hose reel.
12. IS-934-1976 Specification for portable chemical fire
Extinguisher soda acid type.
13. IS-2873-1969 Specification for fire extinguisher for carbon
14. IS-2189 & 2109 Automatic fire alarm system or BSS-3116
15. National Building Code.

Sl.No.                                                                                                                Materials Brand Name
1. M. S. Pipes                                                                                             Jindal Hissar / Surya Prakash
2. G.I. Pipes                                                                                                Jindal Hissar / Surya Prakash
3. Gun Metal Valves (Gate, Globe)                                                      Kirloskar / Leader / Zoloto / AIP
4. CI Double flanged sluice valves & check                                                           Kirloskar
5. Butterfly Valves                                                                                Kirloskar / Audco/ Zoloto / AIP
6. CI double flanged non-return valves                                                            Kirloskar
7. Suction Strainer                                                                                                      Leader / Sant.
8. Sprinkler (UL Listed)                                                                         Spray Safe / HD / Viking / Tyco
9. Fire Hydrant Landing Valves,                                                            Fire brigade
connection (ISI marked)
Minimax / Newage / Guards
10. Installation Valve                                                                              (ISI Marked) Spray Safe / HD
11. Fire hose pipes, First Aid Hose Reel (ISI
                                                                                                                  Jaysree / Minimax / Newage /
                                                                                                                             Chhatariya / Guards.
12. Branch Pipe, Nozzle and coupling                                                     Minimax / Newage / Guards
13. Fire Extinguishers                                                                       Minimax / Guards
14. Pumps                                                                                             Kirloskar / Mather & Platt
15. Motors                                                                                           Kirloskar / Siemens / Crompton
16. Starters                                                                                            Siemens / L&T / Cutler Hammer
17. Single phasing preventor / over load
protection unit.
Siemens / Minilee
18. Pressure Switch                                                                                                     Danfoss / Swizer
19. Pressure Gauge                                                                                                     H. Gure / Fiebig
20. Relays                                                                                                                       L&T / Siemens
21. Contractors                                                                                                                L&T / Siemens
22. Control Cable                                                                                                CCI / Gloster / Havells
23. Diesel Engine for Fire Fighting Cummins
24. Moulded case circuit breakers. L&T/ Siemens
25. Fuse Disconnector switch / switch fuse
L&T / MDS / Siemens / GE power /
ABB / Indo Asian Schneider / Control
& Switch Gear.
26. HRC Fuses L&T / Siemens
27 Ammeter, Voltmeter Universal
28. Selector switch, push button switch /
emergency switch
L&T / Siemens
29. 1.1 KV LT Cables (ISI marked) CCI / Gloster / Havells
30 Fire Alarm Panel Appolo / Edwards / System sensor.
31 Fire electrical control panel Diamond electrical / SPC eletroctech
Pvt. Ltd.


c) Visual / audio alarms, not covered in individual sections.
d) Lamps healthy test facility.
e) Instruments, indicating lamps, pushbuttons, fuse terminal blocks etc. as
are required.
f) Test facility to simulate operation of hydrants.
1.20.4 Other Control Components Pressure Switches.
Pressure switches shall be provided for switching on and off the pressurization
pump at present pressures and also for switching off the fire pump at present
pressure. Being the main component for initiating the signal for the operation of the
pumps, the pressure settings shall be totally reliable, sturdy in construction and of
long life. The pressure settings shall be adjustable. Power Supply for Controls.
In order to ensure that the control systems remains co-operational at all times the
control system shall be designed for 24 VDC operation fed from the battery. This
shall be independent of the starting battery for the engine i.e. battery shall remain
trickle charged at all times from the separate battery charger at the control system.
1.21 Electrical Work and Earthing.
This section covers the detailed requirements of electrical works including earthing,
for the materials installation.
Electric power supply shall be terminated in the incoking switch gear of the power
and control panel by the Department. All further connections to the various
components of the system shall be the responsibility of the contractor, for a
complete and working system, satisfying all the functional requirements.
The scope shall particularly include the following :
Power and Control Panel(s) as given in relevant section.
All inter-connections with multi-core armoured copper cables of size suitable
between various control units and control panel(s)
All power cable connections with multi-core armoured aluminium cables of size as
specified in BOQ, between panels, motors etc.
Necessary earthing with 2 Nos. G.I. plate electrodes and loop earthing.
The work shall be carried out conforming to CPWD General Specifications for
Electrical works Part-I (Internal) amended up to date and Part-II (External)
amended upto date.
1.22 Sprinkler System.
1.22.1 Sprinkler Heads.
Sprinkler heads shall be of quartzoid bulb type with bulb, valve assembly yoke and
the deflector. The sprinklers shall be approved make and type.
1.22.2 Types Conventional Pattern.
The sprinklers shall be designed to produce a spherical type of discharge with a
portion of water being thrown upwards to the ceiling side of wall extra. The
sprinklers shall suitable for erection in upright position or pendant position.
A. Side Wall Sprinklers.
These shall be designed for installation along with the walls of room close to the
ceiling. The discharge pattern shall be similar to one quarter of sphere with a small
proportion discharging on the wall behind the sprinklers. Construction
i) Bulb – Bulb shall be made of corrosion-free material strong enough to
with stand any water pressure likely to occur in the system. The bulb shall
shatter when the temperature of the surrounding air reaches a
predetermined level.
ii) Valve assembly – Water passage of the sprinkler shall be controlling
assembly of flexible construction. The valve assembly shall be held in
position by the quartzoid bulb. The assembly be stable and shall
withstand pressure surges or external vibration without displacement.
iii) Yoke : The yoke shall be made of high quality gunmetal. The arms of
yoke shall be so designed as to avoid interference with discharge of water
from the deflector. The sprinkler body shall be coated with an approved
anti corrosive treatment if the same is to used in corrosive conditions.
iv) Deflector : The deflector shall be suitable for either upright or pendent
erection. The deflector shall be designed to give an even distribution of
water over the area protected by each sprinkler.
B. Colour Code.
The following colour code shall be adopted for classification of sprinkler
according to nomination temperature ratings.
C. Sprinkler Temperature Rating.
D. Size of Sprinklers Orifices.
The sprinklers shall be of 15mm nominal bore size. Pipes and Fittings
Pipes for sprinkler system shall be of black steel conforming to I.S. 1239 (Heavy
Fittings for black steel pipes shall be malleable iron suitable for welding or
approved type cast iron fittings with tapered screwed threads. Jointing.
Joint for black steel pipes and fittings shall be metal to metal tapered thread or
welded joints. A small amount of red lead may be used for lubrication and rust
prevention in threaded joints.
Joints between G.I. or black steel pipes, valves and other apparatus, pumps etc.
shall be made with G.I. or M.S. flanges with appropriate number of bolts. Flanged
joint shall be made with 3mm thick insertion rubber gasket. Pipes Protection.
All pipes above ground and in exposed locations shall be painted with one coat of
red oxide primer and two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved
Pipes in chase or buried underground shall be painted with two coats of hot
bitumen. Pipe Supports
All pipes shall be adequately supported from ceiling or walls from structural clamps
fabricated from M.S. structural e.g. rods, channels, angles and flats. All clamps
shall be painted with one coat of primer and two coats of black enamel paint. The
contractor shall provide inserts at the time f slab casting or anchor fastener later. Valves
Sluice vales of sizes 80mm and above shall be double flanged cast iron
conforming to I.S.780. Check valve shall be of cast iron double flanged conforming
to I.S.5312.
Valves on pipes 65mm and below shall be heavy pattern gunmetal valves with cast
iron wheel seat tested to 20 kg/ Pressure. Valves shall conform to I.S. 778.
A. Air Valves
25mm dia screwed inlet cast iron single acting air valves on all high points
in the system or as shown on drawings.
B. Drain Valves
50mm dia black steel pipe conforming to I.S.1239 medium class with
50mm gunmetal full way valve for draining and water in the system in low
pockets. Installation Control Valve.
Installation control valves shall comprise of the following :
a) One-man stop valve of full way pattern with gunmetal pointer to indicate
where open/shut.
b) One automatic alarm valve fitted with handle & cover.
c) One hydraulic alarm motor and going for sounding a continuous alarm
upon out-break of fire. One combined waste and testing valve including 5
mtr. Of tubing and fittings.
d) Alarm stops valve.
e) Strainer
f) Drain plug.
g) Padlock and strap
h) Wall box for installation of valve. Pressure Gauges.
Burden type pressure gauges conforming to IS/BS specifications shall be provided
at the following locations.
a) Just above alarm valve.
b) Just below alarm valve, on the installation stop valve.
c) One pressure gauge on delivery side of each pump.
d) Required number of pressure gauges on pressure tank.
Piping shall be so installed that the system can be thoroughly drained. All the pipes
shall be arranged to drain to the installation drain valve. In case of basement and
other areas where the pipe work is below the installation drain valve / auxiliary
valves of the following sizes shall be provided.
a) 20mm dia valve for pipes up to 50mm dia.
b) 25mm dia valves for 65mm dia pipe.
c) 32mm dia valves for pipes larger than 65mm dia.


1.19.14 Pipe Work :
The piping for exhaust outlet as well as fuel piping between fuel tank and the engine
shall be with Medium class M.S.
1.19.15 Anti Vibration Mounting.
Suitable vibration mounting duly approved by engineer-in-charge shall be employed
for mounting the unit so as to minimize transmission of vibration to the structure. The
isolation efficiency achievable shall be clearly indicated in the report, which will be
submitted to engineer-in-charge before installation.
1.19.16 Battery Charger.
Necessary float and boost charger shall be incorporated in the control section of the
power and control panel to keep the battery under trickle condition. Ammeter to
indicate the state of charge of the batteries shall be provided.
1.20.1 Scope
This section covers the detailed requirements of the power and the control panel for
the wet riser system, and also for the various control components in the system.
1.20.2 Power and Control Panel. Constructional Requirements
General Features.
The power and control panel shall be totally enclosed, free standing floor mounted
cubic type, fabricated out of sheet steel not less than 2mm thick. Where necessary,
additional stiffening shall be provided by angle iron frame work. General construction
shall be of compartmentalization and sectionalisation such as mains incomes,
electric fire pump, diesel fire pump, pressurization pump, and control, so that there is
no mix up of power and control wiring and connections in the same sections as far as
possible. The panel shall also have the space for cable allays. The space for cable
alleys shall be at least 200m wide to the entire depth of panel. The panel shall be
front operated type with all connections accessible from the front. Front doors shall
be hinged type. Back doors shall be hinged type or removable type for inspection.
The door hinges shall be of concealed type. The doors for bus bar chamber shall be
of removable type with the help of bolts. The doors shall be provided with quick fixing
doors knobs with indication. The general arrangement of the panel shall be got
approved before fabrication the cubicle construction shall be to IP 21 as per IS:2147. Cable entries and gland plates.
All cable entries shall be through gland plates which are removable and
sectionalized. Where heavy cable are brought in and terminated, suitable clamps
shall be incorporated to relieve the stress on the glands due to the weight of the
cable. Cable entries may be from top or bottom depending on the equipment layout
and cable scheme as approved. Bus bar and Connections.
The Bus bar shall be air insulated, and of aluminium of high conductivity electrolytic
quality (grade E 91 E to IS:5082) and a adequate cross section. Current density shall
not exceed 1.3 amps. Per All connections to individual circuits from the bus
bars shall preferably be with solid connections. The bus bars and the connections
shall be suitable covered with PVC sleeves or in an approved manner. Bus bar shall
be suitably supported using non-hygroscopic insulated supports. High tensile bolts
and spring washers shall be provided at bus bar joints. Earthing Arrangement.
CI strip 24mm x 5mm shall be run at the rate of the board 2 nos., earth terminals
shall be provided at the ends of the GI strip for connection to earth system. Terminal Blocks and Small Wiring.
Terminal blocks shall be heavy duty type and generally not less than 15 amps 250V
grade up to 100V, and 600V grade for the rest of the functions. They shall be easily
accessible for maintenance. All control wiring inside the panel shall be with PVC
insulated copper conductor of 2.5 size and 600V grade conforming to IS:694-
1977. Suitable colour-coding may be adopted. Wiring harness shall be nearly formed
and run preferably function wise, and as far as possible segregated voltage wise,
Identification ferrules shall be used at both ends of the wires. Instruments and Lamps.
All indication lamps and instruments shall be flush mounted type in front of the panel.
The voltmeter and ammeter shall of size 100mm nominal (dial size) conforming to
clause 1.5 of IS 1248 for accuracy.
Current transformers shall be provided with ammeters.
Indicating lamps to indicate the availability of electric supply shall be provided at the
incoming section. Necessary indicating lamps for alarm indication and battery
charging shall be provided in the respective sections.
All indicating lamps and meter shall be protected with HRC cartridge type fuses. Labels
All internal components shall be provided with suitable identification labels. Suitably
engraved labels shall be fixed at the panel for all switches, instrument push bottons,
indicating lamps etc. Painting.
The entire panel shall be given a primer coat of red lead after degreasing and
phosphating treatment and two coat of final paint or approved shade before
assembly of various items.
1.20.3 Equipment Requirements. General
The power and control panel shall comprises individual section for the various
equipment’s of the system and controls, in a combined cubicle type design. All
switches MCCB. MCBS and fuse/fuses switch unit shall be conforming to relevant IS. Incomer Section & Outgoing Section.
(A) Incomer section :
1 no. 300 amps TPMCCB unit complete. One set of 96 mm square Ammeter (0-
400 Amps) complete with selector switch and CTS. One set of 96mm square
Voltmer (0-500 V) complete with control fuses and selector switch. One set of
phase indicating lights with control fuses. One set of 4 strips of 300 Amps
aluminium busbars.
(B) Outgoing Feeder.
(i) One number of 250 A,ps TP MCCB unit complete, SP Preventer, ML 4 type
contractor forstar delta starting, start an stop push bottons, auto-manual switch,
Ammeter with CTS, A S S , phase indicating lights. Auxillary Contractors for
interlocking / sequence of operation, control terminals complete in all respect with
interconnections for Hydrant Pump and sprinkler pump.
(ii) Two numbers of 63 Amps rated TP MCCB unit complete, ML 1.5 type contractor
D O L starting with overload relay, start and stop button. Ammeter, CTS and
selector switch, hase indicating lights, AUxillary contacts for interlocking /
sequence of operation, control terminals complete in all respect for Jocjey Pump
& fire booster pump.
(C ) Control wiring from pressure switches of different settings in Hydrant and Jockey
Pumps, for sequence of operation shall be included to complete the system.
(D) Colour code with ferrule marking shall also be make.
(E) The wiring shall be PVC insulated and PVC armoured aluminium conductor cable
of 650 /100 volts grade conforming to IS 1554 as required from Fire Pump Board
to motor and cable of suitable size. Electric Fire Pump Section.
This section shall incorporate the following facilities.
b) Control system components ad equipment such as relays, contractors,
timers etc. for automatic operation
c) Starter Unit , Current Transformer and ammeter.
d) Indication lamps, their fuses, terminal block, push bottons, control and
selector switches etc. are as required.
e) Pump look out devices due to faults or abnormalities as specified in
operating sequence.
f) Visual/audio alarms, indications and communications facility as specified
in operating sequence.
g) Necessary inter-connection and control wiring etc. Engine Section.
The engine section shall incorporate the following facilities:-
i) Control system components and equipment such as relays, contractors,
timers etc. for automatic operation.
ii) Instruments, indicator lamps, fuses terminal blocks, push buttons, control
and selector switches etc. as are required.
iii) Engine shut down and block out devices due to faults or abnormalities as
iv) Visual/audio alarms and indications as specified.
v) Inter-connection and control wiring etc. Auxiliary Pump Section.
The auxiliary pump section for Jockey pump shall incorporate the following:
b) Control system components such as relays, times, contractors etc. as are
necessary for functional requirements.
c) Starter unit, current transformer and ammeter.
d) Indication lamps, fuses, terminal blocks, push buttons selector, switch etc.
as required.
e) Inter-connections and control wirings etc. Control Section.
This section shall incorporate the following –
a) Control components integrating the various sections, so as to satisfy the
functional requirements.
b) Battery charger unit with boost / float chare facility with voltmeter, capable
of independently charging 2 sets of batteries at a time.

Friday, 24 January 2020


1.17.3 Capacity.
The discharge and head of the jockey pump shall be as mentioned in Bill of Quantities.
Jockey pump shall be Horizontal /Vertical mono-block / coupled type. The pump casing
shall be of cast iron and parts like impeller, sleeve, wearing ring etc. shall be of noncorrosive
metal like bronze, brass or gunmetal. The shaft shall be of stainless steel.
Bearing of the pump shall be effectively sealed to prevent loss of lubricant or entry of the
dust or water. The pump casing shall be designed to withstand 1.5 time the working
1.17.4 Motor.
The motor shall be squirrel cage A.C. induction type suitable for operation on 415 volts 3
phase 50 Hz, system. The motor shall be tatally enclosed fan cooled type confirming to
protection clause IP 21 of IS 4691. The class of insulation shal be B, synchronous speed
shall be 3000 RPM/1500 RPM. The motor shall conform IS 325-1978 and rated for
continuous duty.
1.17.5 Motor Starter.
The motor starter shall be automatic star delta type with overload trip, but without under
voltage / no volt trip. Starter shall conform to IS 1822-1967.
1.18.1 Scope
This section covers the details of requirements of the motor, starter and pump for the
electrically operated firm pump.
1.18.2 General.
The electric fire pump shall be suitable for automatic operation complete with necessary
electric motor and automatic starting gear, suitable for operation on 415 volts, 3 phase,
50 Hz A/C system,. Both the motor and the pump shall be assembled on a common
base plate of fabricated MS channel type or cast iron type.
1.18.3 Drive
The pump shall be only direct driven by means of a flexible coupling. Coupling guard
shall also be provided.
1.18.4 Fire Pump (Electrical)
The fire pump shall be horizontal end suction centrifugal type. It shall have a capacity to
deliver 2280 LPM as specified, developing adequate head so as to ensure a minimum
pressure of 3 kg. per at the highest and the farthest outlet. The delivery pressure
at pump outlet shall be not less than 6 kg. per in any case.
The pump shall be capable of giving a discharge of not less that 150 percent of the rated
discharge, at a head of not less than 65 percent of the rated head. The shut off head
shall be within 120 percent of rate head.
The pump casing shall be of cast iron to grade FG 200 to IS:210 and parts like impeller,
shaft sleeve, wearing ring etc. shall be of non-corrosive metal like bronze / brass /
gunmetal. This shaft shall be of stainless steel.
Bearing of the pump shall be effectively sealed to prevent loss of lubricant or entry of
dust or water.
The pump shall be provided with a plat indicating the suction lift delivery head, discharge
speed and number of stages. The pump casing shall be designed to withstand 1.5 times
the working pressure.
1.18.5 Motor
The motor shall be squirrel cage A/C induction type suitable for operation on 415 volts 3
phase 50 Hz system. The motor shall be totally enclosed fan cooled type conforming to
protection clause IP 21 vide IS-4691.The class of insulation shall be B. The motor shall
be rated to continuous duty as per relevant IS and shall have a horsepower rating
necessary to drive the pump at 150 percent of its rated discharge.
1.18.6 Motor Starter.
The motor starter shall be automatic star Delta type conforming to IS:1822-1967. The
starter shall not incorporate under voltage or overload trip or single-phase preventor.
The starter assembly shall be suitably integrated in the power control panel for the wet
riser system.
Each pump shall be provided with vibration isolating pads of appropriate size.
1.19.1 Scope
This section covers the details or requirements of the stand by fire pump operated by a
diesel engine.
1.19.2 General
The diesel pump set shall be suitable for automatic operation complete with necessary
automatic starting gear, for starting on wet battery system and shall be complete with all
accessories. Both engine and pump shall be assembled on a common bed place,
fabricated with mild steel channel.
1.19.3 Drive
The pump shall be only direct driven by means of a flexible coupling. Coupling guard
shall also be provided. The speed shall be 1500/1800 RPM.
1.19.4 Fire Pump (Diesel)
The fire pump shall be horizontal split casing centrifugal type. It shall have the capacity
to deliver 2280 LPM as specified. Developing adequate head so as to ensure a minimum
pressure of 3 kg. per at the highest and the farthest outlet. The delivery pressure
at the pump outlet shall be not less than 7 kg per in any case. The pump shall be
capable of giving a discharge of not less than 150% of the rated discharge at a head of
not less than 65% of the rated head. The shut off head shall be within 120% of the rated
head. The shaft shall be of stainless steel. The pump shall be provided with mechanical
seal. The pump casing shall be designed to withstand 1.5 times the working pressure.
Bearing of pump shall be effectively sealed to prevent loss of lubricant or entry of dust or
1.19.5 Diesel Engine
Engine Rating :-
The engine shall be cold starting type without the necessity of preliminary heating of the
engine cylinders or combustion chamber (for example, by wicks, cartridge, heater plugs
etc.) The engine shall be multi cylinder /vertical, 4-stroke cycle, water-cooled, diesel
engine, developing suitable HP at the operating speed specified to drive the fire pump,
Continuous capacity available for the load shall be exclusive of the power requirement
of auxiliaries of the diesel engine, and after correction for altitude, ambient, temperature
and humidity for the specified environmental conditions. This shall be at least 20%
greater than the maximum UP required to drive the pump at its duty point. It shall also be
capable of driving the pump at 150% of the rated discharge at 65% of the rated head.
The engine shall be capable for continuous non-stop operation for 8 hours. The engine
shall have 10% overload capacity for one hour in any period of 12 hours continuous run.
The engine shall accept full load within 15 seconds from the receipt of signal to start.
The diesel engine shall conform ton B.S. 649/IS 160/IS 10002, all amended up to date.
1.19.6 Cooling System.
The engine cooling system shall be radiator water cooled system. The radiator
assembly shall be mounted on the common base plate. The radiator fan shall be driven
by the engine as its auxiliary with a multiple fan belt. When half the belt brake remaining
belts must be capable of driving the fan. Cooling water shall be circulated by means of
an auxiliary pump of suitable capacity driven by the engine in a closed circuit.
1.19.7 Fuel System.
The fuel shall be gravity fed from the engine fuel tank to the engine driven pump. The
engine fuel tank shall be mounted either over or adjacent to the engine itself suitably wall
mounted on brackets. The fuel filter shall be suitably located to permit easy servicing.
The engine fuel tank shall be welded steel construction (3mm thick) and of capacity
sufficient to make the engine to run on full load for at least 8 hours. The tank shall be
complete with necessary supports, level indicator (protected against mechanical injury),
inlet, outlet, over flow connections drain plug and piping to the engine fuel tank. The
outlet should be so located as to avoid entry of any sediment into the fuel line of the
engine. A semi rotary hand pump filling the engine fuel tank together with hose pipe 5
mtr. Long with a foot-valve etc. shall also form part of the scope of work.
1.19.8 Lubricating Oil System.
Forced feed Lubricating Oil system shall be employed for positive lubrication. Necessary
Lubricating Oil filters shall be provided and located suitably for convenient servicing.
1.19.9 Starting System.
The starting system shall comprise of necessary battery / batteries, starter motor of
adequate capacity and axle type gear to match with the toothed ring fly wheel. Suitable
metallic relay to protect starting motor from excessively long cranking runs shall be
included within the scope of the work. The metallic relay protection shall be integrated
with engine protection system.
The capacity of the battery shall be suitable for meeting the needs of the starting
system but not less than 180 AH.
The battery capacity shall be adequate for 10 consecutive starts without recharging
with cold engine under full compression.
The scope shall cover all cabling, terminals, initial charging etc.
1.19.10 Exhaust System.
The exhaust system shall be complete with silencer suitable for indoor installation,
and silencer piping including bends and accessories needed. The exhaust pipe shall
protrude outside the pump room. The total backpressure shall not exceed
the engine manufacturer’s recommendations. The exhaust piping shall be suitably
supported and the pipe used shall be of medium class MS pipe.
1.19.11 Engine Shut Down Mechanism.
This shall be manually operated and shall return automatically to the starting position
after use.
1.19.12 Governing System.
The engine shall be provided with an adjustable governor to control the engine
speed with 5% of its rated under all conditions of load up to full load. The governor
shall be set to maintain rated pump speed at maximum pump load.
1.19.13 Engine Instrumentation.
Engine instrumentation shall include the following :
a) Lubricating Oil Pressure Gauge.
b) Lubricating Oil temperature gauge
c) Water temperature gauge.
d) Water pressure gauge
e) Tachometer
f) Hour meter
g) Starting key
The instrument panel shall be suitably mounted on the engine.

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'Pushpa 2: The Rule' aka 'Pushpa 2': Will Allu Arjun and Sukumar's reunion break all records for an Indian film? Pushpa ...