1.9.3 Pipe Protection.
a) All pipes in underground masonry trenches/service tunnels, above ground and inexposed locations shall be painted with one coat of red oxide primer and two or more
coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved shade.
b) Pipes in wall chases shall be protected from corrosion by 2 coats of bituminous paints.
c) Protection of Underground pipes.
The underground steel pipes shall be protected by coating and wrapping. The coating
and wrapping shall be done, in general as per IS:10221-1982.
It specified in Bill of Quantities, the proprietary pipe production system shall be provided
as per the Manufacturers recommendation. The proprietary system shall be of
approved make.
1.9.4 Installation of Pipes.
All pipes shall be adequately supported from ceiling or walls by structural clampsfabricated from M.S. structural e.g. rods, channels, angles and flats. All clamps shall be
painted with one coat of primer and two coats of black enamel paint. The contractor
shall provide inserts at the time of slab casting or provide suitable anchor fasteners.
The pipe supports or hangers shall be designed to withstand combined weight of pipe,
pipes fittings, fluid in pipe and insulation. Pipe supports shall be of steel and coated with
rust preventing paint and finished with two coats enamel paint. The maximum spacing
for pipes supports shall be as below :
Pipe (MM) Spacing (MTR) Size of support
Up to 25 2.0 6mm
32 to 65 2.4 8mm
75 to 125 2.7 10mm
150 & above 3.0 12mm
Pipes supports shall be spaced at maximum interval of 1.5 mtrs. on either side of
heavy fittings and valves. Wherever piping passes through walls, pipes sleeves of
diameter larger than that of piping shall be provided. Pipe sleeves shall be of steel or
cast iron pipe.
The underground piping shall be supported with cement concrete blocks of suitable size
and strength provided at an interval of 2.5 mtrs. The pipes shall be laid at 1 mtr. Depth
(top of the pipe) and trench excavated for sufficient width. The rate of pipes shall
include the scope of excavation / refilling the trench. 1:2:4 concrete thrust blocks are
also to be provided at turning of pipe. The cost of installation includes concrete
pedestals etc. as required and to be included in the item rate.
1.9.5 Orifice Flanges.
Contractor shall provide orifice flanges fabricated from 6mm thick stainless steel plateson the branch lines feeding different zones/floors so as to allow required flor of water at
a pressure of 3.5 kg/sq.cm. for each hydrants and 2 bar at 1800 LPM at installation
valve for sprinkler system. The contractor shall design the orifices to ensure the
required pressure.
1.9.6 Air Vessel and Air Release Valve.
Air vessel on top of wet riser piping shall be fabricated of at least 8mm thick steel towithstand the pressure, with dished ends and supporting legs. This shall be of 250mm
dia and 1m high. This shall be complete with necessary flange connection to the wet
riser piping and air release valve with necessary piping to meet the functional
requirement of the system. The air vessel shall be of continuous welded construction
and galvanized to be IS:4736 – 1968. This shall be tested for twice the working
1.9.7 Valves & Other Accessories. General
Each valve body shall be marked with cast or stamped lettering giving the followinginformation’s:
a) The manufacturer’s name or trade mark.
b) The size of the valve
c) The guaranteed working pressure.
Isolating valves on the water supply lines shall be full bore ball valve type for pipe
diameters upto 50mm. For 65mm dia and above these shall be butterfly valves.
1.9.8. Full Way Ball Valve.
The valves shall be of full bore type and of quality approved by the Consultant / Owner.The body and ball shall be of copper alloy and stem seat shall be of Teflon.
1.9.9 Butterfly Valves.
Butterfly valves shall be of centric disc construction with single piece body of Cast Ironwith disc of aluminium bronze with nitrile seat. Shaft shall be stainless steel with Teflon
bearing butterfly valve shall conform to PN 1.6 rating and shall be provided with
suitable matching flanges compatible with PIN 1.6 rating of valves.
1.9.10 Non-Return Valves.
Non-return valves are to be IS:778-1984 manufactured from gun-metal ordezincification resistant brass.
1.9.11 Drain Valve.
Drain Valves are to be provided at all low points in the system for draining the water.These shall be 40mm dia full way ball valve fixed on 40mm dia black steel pipe.
1.9.12 Pressure Switches.
Pressure switches shall be differential type for operation of all pumps and for thevarious duties and settings required. Pressure switches shall be for heavy duty
operation and of approved make. All pressure switches shall be factory calibrated.
1.10 External Fire Hydrants.
Yard Hydrant valves shall be single headed as per IS:5290. The valve shall becomplete with hand wheel, quick coupling connection spring loaded type and gun metal
blank cap. The Yard Hydrant shall be laid on 150mm dia Hydrant Ring Main, branched
off to 80mm dia and Stand Post of 80mm dia.
1.11 Internal Landing Valves.
The internal landing valves shall be double-headed made of gun metal and conformingto IS:5290. It shall be complete with hand-wheel, quick coupling connection spring
loaded type and blank cap.
1.12 Hose pipes, Branch Pipes and Nozzles.
Hose Pipe : Hose pipe shall be rubber lines woven jacketed and 63mm in diameter.They shall conform to type-2 (Reinforced rubber lined) of IS:639-1979. The hose shall
be sufficiently flexible and capable of being rolled.
Each run of hose pipe shall be complete with necessary coupling at the ends to match
with the landing valve or with another run hose pipe or with Branch pipe. The couplings
shall be of instantaneous spring lock type.
Branch Pipe : Branch pipe shall be of gunmetal 63mm dia and be complete with male
instantaneous spring lock type coupling for connection to the hose pipe. The branch
pipe shall be externally threaded to receive the nozzle.
Nozzle : The nozzle shall be of copper or gunmetal, 20mm in internal diameter. The
screw threads at the inlet connection shall match with the threading on the branch pipe,
the inlet end shall have a hexagonal head to facilitate screwing of the nozzle on to the
branch pipe with nozzle spanner.
End couplings, branch pipes, and nozzles shall conform to IS:903-1985, two hoses of
15 mtr. Lengths with couplings shall be provided with each external (yard) hydrant. One
nozzle and one branch pipe with coupling shall be provided with each yard hudrant.
1.13 External Fire Hose Cabinet.
The external fire hose cabinet to accommodate the hose pipes, branch pipe nozzle andthe hydrant outlets shall be fabricated from 1.5m sheet steel. This shall be lockable and
provided with center opening glazed doors.
The support for hose cabinet shall be of brick work up to a height of 0.5m above ground
level. The depth of footing for this support shall be minimum 50cm below ground level,
resting on leveling course of minimum 10cm of PCC (1:5:6). The brick work shall be
plastered in cement mortar (1:6). The hose cabinet shall be painted red and stove
1.14 Internal Fire Hose Cabinet.
Each internal fire hydrant valve shall be housed in a nitch of size indicated on drawings.Each internal fire hose Cabinet shall hold double headed hydrant,4 Hoses and 2 Branch
pipes and 1 no. Dunlop hose reel mounted on a drum.
A) The cabinet shutters & frames shall be fabricated from boxed steel
sections and MS pate 2mm thick.
B) The front glass of shutters shall be 5.0mm thick clear glass and shall be
held by means of rubber. Locking arrangement shall also be made with
one number of mortice lock of approved make. A separate Key Box of
16mm thick MS sheet with glass facing shall be provided.
C) The Shutter shall be given a powder coat finish in post office red colour.
1.15 Hose Reel.
The hose reel shall be directly tapped from the riser through a 25mm dia pipe, the drumand the reel being firmly held against the wall by use of dash fasteners. The Hose Reel
shall be swinging type (180 degrees) and the entire Drum, Reel etc. shall be as per
IS:884. The rubber tubing shall be of approved quality and the nozzle shall be 6mm dia
shut off type.
1.16 Brigade inlet Connections.
One set of 4 ways collecting head Fire Brigade connection shall be provided at thelocation indicated in the drawing.
The inlet to the riser shall be with 150mm dia sluice valve and non-return valve. The
scope shall include providing necessary reducers, tees bends and special fittings as
required. Necessary enclosure mad of 2mm thick sheet metal with support shall be
provided, as in the case of hose cabinets.
1.17.1 Scope.
This section covers the details or requirements of the auxiliary equipment necessary forthe operation of the fire pumps and the wet-riser system.
1.17.2 Drive
The pump shall be directly driven from the electric motor. Flexible coupling and couplingguard shall be provided